Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Happy 1 Month.......=)

It's been a month since we get together..........=) he woke up at 9am this morning to cook for me and now he's tired (me heart pain lor and he has yet eaten anything since morning).......I wonder what he cook for me today.......he so secretive lor....haha......and we are going prawning later......wow.....my first attempt at prawning.......and will also be going East Coast Park later =)

Suppose to be on a week of no-pay- leave to do my pract report but so sian lor........but yes.....i m doing.......have to constantly remind myself not to 'jia zhua' haha.......my target for this week, settle the literature review and survey questions.

Time pass so fast, 1 month together liao.......hope we can have many many sweet and happy months together to come and Happy Happy 1 Month =)

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