Monday, 1 March 2010

super busy......happenings lately

Course will be coming to an end soon in about a month's time =) last month of lectures to attend, assignments to be completed and not forgetting the most important Practicum Report which I should have started on. In a simple summary.......tonnes of work to be done.

Term 2's planning work has already started amist all the work I have on hand now. Wah.....will I have time to breathe??? Thanks to my great team of colleagues who have rendered their help in a way or another. Take a step at a time ya.

Went to Mt Elizabeth last Friday 26/2 for my vocal cord nodule check up. Bad News......nodule is back and it's worst than ever before......taking med now to reduce the swelling but don't think it's gonna help my nodule disappear. have to go back during the school holidays for check up again. I can only hope that the nodule disappear cos doctor says if the nodule harden then the only way to remove will be by laser op :(

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