Monday, 5 July 2010


夜深人静了,在床上听着那一首歌。。。。。脑子里突然又想到了你。。。。。怎么你可以说爱我,但是最终还是做了那个决定。。。虽然分手后,我们还是朋友但是心里头还是会伤心。。。总是会想到我们在一起的美好时光。。。摩天轮上发生的情景,乌敏岛上的开心,shopping时你突然紧紧的抱着我,肩髈好酸时你帮我按摩,累了时你的肩膀让我靠一靠,你的拥抱你的一切突然就这么不见了。。。。。。可是我还是会开心勇敢的move on 也会同时祝福你永远开心快乐。

Saturday, 3 July 2010

first week of school.......and random thoughts

First week of school has jus pass.......losing my voice again.......haha.....and i am craving for chocolate :P Time really pass very fast......6 months have already passed for 2010.

Hope I have pass my DPT, haven call up AECES to get my results......thinking whether to get LV bag to reward myself.......hmmmm......let's see how much bonus I getting first........

The Taiwan trip in June was great spent my Chinese Birthday this year there...........super fun and wonderful I had a great time shopping and chilling out with my best fren. I really feel proud of both of us cos we didn't take any cab throughout the trip............only MRT and bus.......Yeah!!!!!! When will the next trip be????? Soon????

It's been a month since the breakup, well life still goes on despite me thinking about him sometimes and we still meet up occasionally, recently we meet up for movie, Toy Story 3 =) glad that we are still friends but our thinking and goals in life are very different.